REVISED SLNA Community Meeting Agenda
The next SLNA Community Meeting will take place Wednesday, November 25, 2020 at 7:00 p.m. Some items of the agenda have changed since the last issue on November 22. The meeting will be held live via the videoconferenceing platform Zoom (see link below). Also as some people had difficulty clicking on the Zoom link in the previous newsletter, the Zoom link below has been formatted for easier access and for those who can not access via a computer, Canadian telephone access numbers are listed below. AGENDASt. Lawrence Neighbourhood Association Community Meeting Wednesday, November 25, 2020, 7-9 p.m. Hosted on the Zoom Videoconferencing Platform 7:00 p.m. Welcome SLNA Board Introductions and Board Activity Update SLNA Budget Approval (T. Tenenbaum, SLNA Treasurer) ***SLNA delegates are asked to review the proposed 2021 SLNA Budget.*** Motion: That the SLNA Budget for 2021 be approved as presented. Motion: That the SLNA membership fees remain the same for 2021 7:30 p.m. Metrolinx Presentation re: Ontario Line 8:15 p.m. Adam Popper, Transportation Services, City of Toronto 8:30 p.m. Reports from Councillors' Offices: Ward 10 - Councillor Joe Cressy Ward 13 - Councillor Kristyn Wong-Tam 9 p.m. AdjournmentSLNA Meeting - ZOOM Information Date & Time: Nov 25, 2020 07:00 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada) Join the Zoom Meeting by clicking here: Join via telephone by calling one of the following Canadian telephone numbers: 647-374-4685 647-558-0588 Meeting ID: 881 6315 1751 Passcode: 615786 110 Adelaide East - Consultation The City of Toronto holds public consultations as one way to engage residents in the life of their city. We invite you to get involved. Community Consultation for Planning Application - 110 Adelaide St. East Date: November 30, 2020 Time: 7:00 pm – 8:30 pm Download, print and post locally the Consultation Flyer Friends of Corktown Common Park The West Don Lands Committee is looking for some energetic volunteers to work with other neighbours to restart a Friends of Corktown Common group. For a short time, our beautiful Corktown Common Park (in the Canary District) had a Friends committee which planned neighbourhood park programs and hoped to recruit volunteers to help with park maintenance. When the 2015 Pan Para/PanAm Games and the Canary District construction closed the Park for most of 2 summers the Friends committee lost steam. It is time to bring the Friends back - and your help is needed! No experience is required - just an interest in making the beautiful 18 acre Corktown Common Park the best possible for everyone. If you are interested, please let one of the WDLC Co-Chairs know. Cindy Wilkey [email protected] John Wilson [email protected] Black Friday Offer - Cafe Nicole
Masonic Lodge at 35 Church?By Bruce Bell
Russell's Hotel It's often been said that in Toronto, up until a half century ago, in order to move up the ladder in government, business and high society it was essential to be a member of at least two of the following organizations; the Orange Lodge, the Anglican Church and the Masons (being male just went without saying). All you have to do is look at photos of former city councils a few generations ago and see those city fathers resplendent with Orange and Mason regalia to get an idea just how established these groups were in city government. Masons have been in Toronto since the late 1700’s where according to Masonic myth the first meeting was held within the first week of the British arrival on a dock at the bottom of Church Street just below Front Street when Toronto, then called York, had a population of only 200 people. Records show that the first permanent Masonic Lodge stood at 35 Church Street just north of Front Street then the site of Russell’s Hotel c1830 (now the site of Market Square Condos) where the upper floor was especially built for the St. Andrew’s Lodge of Freemasons. I will be running Old Town Toronto tours all winter long every Tues, Weds and Thursday at 10am. Also, I have gift certificates available for that special person in your life who loves history. Contact me for more details [email protected] or contact me through my website Shop Local to Win Cash Prizes! Our local Business Improvement Association (which represents the interests of local businesses in Old Town Toronto and the St. Lawrence neighbourhood) is presenting a program called ShopOldTownTO2win aimed at encouraging (with incentives) our community to shop local and support our businesses during this trying time. The promotion is a special one in that it also builds on the relationship between our businesses and the community. From November 8th through December 20th, anyone who spends a minimum of $25 (including tax) in one of our local businesses can upload the receipt to the contest website ( and enter to win $1000. The BIA will be conducting 6 draws for $1000 – one every week! The winning receipt will be drawn at random on Sunday and the $1000 will be split 50/50 between the owner of the receipt and the business where the receipt is from. So if you ordered take out from one of our restaurants (say Hot House) and your receipt was drawn, then you would get $500 cash and the Hot House would get $500 cash! Our cash sponsor is one of our local bank branches, BMO at King & Church. We wish everyone luck in entering the shopoldtownTO2win contest! King-Parliament Consultations Fall Consultation Materials Now AvailableBetween October 22 and November 3, 2020, City Planning held a series of online consultation events to provide an update and collect feedback on the King-Parliament Secondary Plan Review. Thank you to everyone who participated in our four sessions: Thursday, October 22 - Virtual Open House (Project Overview) Monday, October 26 - Queen Street East and Corktown Areas Thursday, October 29 - Heritage, Parks and Public Realm Tuesday, November 3 - Jarvis Parliament Area Planning staff reported on our work in progress to refine the proposed Secondary Plan policies and update the zoning by-law for the area, took comments and answered questions. If you were not able to join our live events, meeting materials will be posted at: There you can also access a copy of the current revised Secondary Plan, red-lined to show revisions from the October 2019 draft. Meeting recordings are available upon request. We invite you to review the materials and submit any comments you may have by November 30, 2020. Meeting this deadline allows us to continue moving forward with our work, consider the feedback and bring a recommended Secondary Plan and Area-Specific Zoning By-law Amendment to Council for consideration early next year. If you would like to provide input to the Planning team, or if you have any questions about the study, please get in touch! By Email - [email protected] By Phone - Call Melanie Melnyk at (416) 392-4524 At the recent SLNA Annual General Meeting President Jamie Cappelli presented to the membership the Annual Report (document includes profiles of Board of Directors nominees proposed by the Nominations Committee). Election of the 2020-21 Board of Directors: Six open board seats were filled by acclamation. The 2020-21 SLNA Board of Directors Bruno Leps Steward Linton Sharon McMillan Donna Patterson Gabriella Siciliano Toby Tenenbaum Renate Tilson Debbie Wang Board Officers will be announced in the coming weeks. The membership passed motions that approved the following: 2019 SLNA AGM Minutes Financial Statements SLNA Strategic Plan The Directors and membership thanked outgoing President, Jamie Cappelli for his dedication and significant contribution and assistance in supporting and leading the work and meetings of the SLNA during this unprecedented year+. ****************************************************** The Enoch Turner Schoolhouse Foundation Announces a new series: 'OPENING THE SCHOOLHOUSE TO ALL' FOUR STIMULATING TALKS, FREE TO THE PUBLIC These topics will be taken up in a four-part ZOOM series, sponsored by the Enoch Turner Schoolhouse Foundation, which begins in November 2020 and will continue in January 2021. The sessions feature presentations and panel discussions on a range of important educational themes. The series, free of charge, and accessible online, is designed for a broad audience interested in the past, present and future of Canadian education. For further information on each session please see the Program Brochure below. University/College professors and high school teachers may well want to encourage their students to register for one or more session(s) in the series. Registration for the first session is open! Register now OR For more information and to stay up to date on registration please click here to visit our webpage OR Feel free to send inquiries to [email protected] |
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