Over the last few years, the St. Lawrence Neighbourhood Association along with various other representatives from this region, other GTA neighbourhoods, organizations and agencies, have been consulting with the City of Toronto (TO Live) regarding the St. Lawrence Centre (STLC) on Front St., which is currently in a state of significant disrepair.
After many years of consultation, a progressive and innovative redevelopment plan for the STLC was created to better serve the social, and well-being of youth, families, seniors and all residents, and support Toronto’s economic needs. In light of the City's plans to reconsider funding this redevelopment for the St. Lawrence Centre, the SLNA has written a letter to Mayor Chow and the Executive Committee highlighting the importance of this project and the Association's position. View the SLNA Submission. For your additional reference, please see below the template of a letter that explains the key issues at stake wtih respect to this project and the reality of what this initiative means to Toronto’s social fabric and economy. We hope you will sign your name to this letter and send to Mayor Chow and the City of Toronto before the meeting of the City’s Executive Committee on October 1st. Note: A Word version of the letter below can be downloaded here. TEMPLATE LETTER: Email: [email protected] EX17.17 - Update on the St. Lawrence Centre for the Arts Redevelopment Project Subject: Support for Reimagining the St. Lawrence Centre for the Arts – An Iconic Cultural Space in Toronto Dear Mayor Chow and Members of Executive Committee, I am writing to you in support of the redevelopment of the St. Lawrence Centre for the Arts (STLC), which is a visionary project that promises to reshape the cultural landscape of our city. Since its inauguration in 1970 as a centennial project for Toronto, the STLC has been a cornerstone of the city’s cultural fabric. However, after more than five decades of service, the building is now in a state of significant disrepair and does not meet the standards set by the Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act (AODA). Recognizing the crucial role of the STLC, TO Live launched a public consultation in 2021 to gather input from Toronto residents. A recurring theme in the feedback was the urgent need for affordable, flexible, and technologically advanced multi-use spaces that could accommodate the diverse needs of our communities, especially non-profit organizations. TO Live’s ambition is to transform the STLC into Canada’s first arts space that fully addresses the cultural, social, environmental, and digital needs of our time, and for future generations. The new STLC is envisioned as a hub of extreme usability, offering state-of-the-art spaces for the performing arts sector, our local neighborhoods, and all of Toronto’s various communities, irrespective of age, culture, ability, identification, or income level. In addition to serving the broader community, the redeveloped STLC will stand as an iconic destination for visitors, and a creative meeting place for artists of all disciplines. Whether you are an emerging artist, a seasoned professional, a student, an educator, or a patron, the STLC is being reimagined to be your home - a space that nurtures creativity, fosters collaboration, and celebrates the diversity of artistic expression. The new facility will be equipped with state-of-the-art technical and digital capabilities, ensuring that it meets the rapidly evolving needs of artists and the expectations of modern audiences. The economic and cultural vitality that the new STLC promises is unprecedented. Last year alone, over 500,000 individuals visited TO Live venues, attending more than 1,000 performances, events, and workshops. The redevelopment of the STLC is set to magnify this impact. The new STLC will not only attract a larger audience, but also serve as a catalyst for regeneration, vibrancy, and economic activity in the neighborhood. Only steps away from Union Station, the STLC is well positioned to become a cornerstone of a lively cultural district within the heart of downtown Toronto. Our shared vision is more than just the redevelopment of an arts venue; it is the creation of a cultural engine designed to drive tourism, stimulate economic activity, and showcase Toronto as an iconic destination for arts and culture on the global stage. I urge you to support the redevelopment of the STLC and to play a leadership role in building an iconic cultural destination for everyone. Thank you for your time and consideration. Regards,
If you missed recent SLNA meetings and some of the engaging presentations about:
You can catch up by reading the reports (minutes) from those meetings which include links to full-colour presentations and other documents. June SLNA Meeting Report July SLNA Meeting Report Refugee Fundraiser Walk-a-thon in Edwards GardensThe St. James and Community Refugee Committee will be walking for refugees on September 28th in Edwards Gardens starting at 10:00 a.m. to raise funds to continue their ability to sponsor resettlement applications. The committeehas undertaken eight sponsorships since 2015 including single individuals, reuniting family members, and families from Iran, Syria, Cameroon, Eritrea, and Afghanistan. The stories of each of these individuals and families are compelling – fleeing civil war, conscription into the army with no hope of a way out and persecution due to sexual orientation. The work of the St. James committee cannot be done without donations. The costs to support individuals and families have risen significantly. Minimum costs to support an individual for the 12-month period required by the Government of Canada are estimated at $25,000. For a family of four, the costs are $50,000 or more. Consider helping by walking on September 28th or through a donation. https://stjamescathedral.ca/donate/give-online/refugee-response/ https://www.canadahelps.org/en/charities/st-james-cathedral/p2p/refugee-walkathon2024/ Design credit: Bernadeth B. The 11th REmarket: Oct. 9 and 10th at the St. Lawrence Market Did you know that we accept many common items for donation at our REmarket event? You can donate items in almost any condition, including the following:
Items that are usable will be included in our FreeMarket sub-event or will be redistributed, refurbished, or upcycled by our charity partners, including The Salvation Army, RCTO, CNIB, and PFFD Inc. Our partners also strive to responsibly recycle unusable items. For example, The Salvation Army delivers old, unusable clothing and textile items to a textile recycling company. So if you’re looking to do a little spring cleaning, clear out those closets and contribute your unwanted or excess goods to our October 2024 REmarket! If you would like to volunteer at this year’s REmarket please contact the SLNA Waste Reduction Committee at: [email protected] Click here to download high resolution copy of the poster below Urgent Airport Meeting
From the York Quay Neighbourhood Association The future of the Waterfront could be decided in a couple of weeks, so please pay attention! City Councillors and Planners want to know what you think of the Island Airport's proposal to build RESA runway extensions into the lake. These safety measures would expand the Airport and be built during night hours for several years, at a cost varying from $60 mill. to $130 mill. depending on size. RESAs are closely tied to a time-sensitive extension of the Tripartite Agreement that could keep this airport going — and growing — for many decades, with unknown aviation activities at our doorstep. The urgency to get this to a City Council vote is created by the Airport's neglect of RESA regulations until now, and it is lobbied heavily by Ports Toronto. This is about much more than the Airport — it's about the future of a liveable Toronto and alternate uses of this precious Waterfront land. Get involved, and be here on this important issue! Tuesday, September 24, 2024 Enercare Centre, salon 105 Exhibition Place, 100 Princes Blvd. at 7 pm (doors open at 6:30 pm) Eventbrite reservation (optional). Waterfront BIA Events The Waterfront Neighbourhood along Queen’s Quay and the many events in that area are a short walk away from the St. Lawrence. The Waterfront BIA has created a newsletter of events you may find helpful - download here. Volunteers NeededSt. Lawrence Environment Day - Sept. 8Deputy Mayor and Ward 10 Councillor Ausma Malik's Community Environment day for the St. Lawrence Neighbourhood is scheduled for Sunday, September 8th, from 10-2 p.m. LOCATION: David Crombie Park - south east corner of Frederick and the Esplanade. ACTION: You can pick up compost, drop off your electronic waste and your Household Hazardous Waste, and more. For a full list of what items you can donate for reuse, please visit the Councillor’s website here: website. There SLNA Waste Reduction Group will be there, so come and chat with us! September Events at the Jamii HubBeginning on Monday, September 9th, neighbourhood residents are invited to join the team at the Jamii Hub for a variety of 3-week art programs that will explore the theme "Storybeing". All events take place at the Jamii Hub (264 The Esplanade) and start at 7 pm. Workshops and activities include:
All activities are free. Registration is required through www.jamii.ca/indooractivities Girls from Grades 1 - 8 are writing, dancing, singing and making costumes for a musical show! This fall, girls who are part of Jamii’s LAINI program for young women will have the incredible opportunity to create a musical and work with an outstanding team of artists! Participants from grades 1 to 8 can choose from a variety of activities:
In groups of up to 12 mixed-age participants, they will write the play (developing the story, characters, dialogue, and action), create and perform their own choreographies, write and sing their own songs, or sew costumes for the November performance for their families and friends. Registration costs $10 per participant. Visit www.jamii.ca/laini to secure your spot for one category per child. WHEN | Between September 16 and November 25 on various days during the week WHERE | The Jamii Hub @ 264 The Esplanade |
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